Tony’s Chocolonely

Tony’s Chocolonely

Your 1-stop shop for crazy tasty chocolate that makes a serious impact. The cocoa beans we use are 100% traceable back to the source and, unfortunately, that makes us kinda unique.

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Wanna know what we’ve been up to? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Get the low-down on our latest campaigns, impact milestones and more – they’re all right here..

the problem

There’s an unfair distribution of value and power in the chocolate industry. Its supply chain starts with the millions of farmers who produce cocoa and ends with the billions of consumers who enjoy chocolate. But what about the bit in the middle? This in-between part is dominated by a group of chocolate giants that profit from keeping the cocoa purchasing price as low as possible. As a result, farmers are forced to live in poverty.. leading to child labor and forced labor.

what?! forced labor?

Yep. Right now there is forced labor on cocoa farms in West Africa. This is a direct result of the unequally divided cocoa chain. Tony’s Chocolonely exists to change that. Child labor and forced labor are against the law – it’s an illegal practice that needs to stop.

Tony’s route to end exploitation in cocoa

Together, we’ll end all forms of exploitation in the cocoa industry. How? Well, it won’t be easy as it’s a complex issue, but we know we’ll accomplish it with the help of Tony’s road map. This map points us in the direction of fairer chocolate on the basis of our 3 pillars of action.

Tony’s 5 Sourcing Principles

Our incredibly tasty chocolate proves things can be done differently. Tony’s rules of the game for fairer chocolate puts human rights at the center of business, allowing companies to source cocoa sustainably while still enjoying commercial success.

all hands on deck!

We can’t achieve our goals alone. By ourselves, we’ll end exploitation in our cocoa supply chain. But together, we can change the industry across the globe. The more people join us and share our story, the sooner we’ll end exploitation in cocoa together. The choice is yours.. Are you in?



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