About us


How we provide trustworthy, accessible, and accurate information

Who we are

Yippy is a community covering a range of niche curated topics. We publish articles from our experts, online courses, eBooks and more. We provide event calendar and a profile database.

All communities in the yippy universe have one thing in common: we set the highest standards for keeping information up-to-date, easy to understand and factually correct.

We are aware that trust is essential for topics related to health, finance and more. To give you an insight into our editorial work, we have created this page.

To learn more about our background, please visit our "About us" page and the new "yippy EXPERT".

Our Mission

We strive to provide the best sources of information on our topics. You should be able to rely on our statements, tips and recommendations. We do not pursue any agenda of our own. Instead, our goal is to present facts, figures and experiences in an objective and balanced manner.

In addition, we see ourselves as a place where an industry meets. We connect our readership with experts and network the experts among each other.

Research and Sources

Thorough research is the foundation for high-quality content. We use both primary and secondary sources for our research.

Examples of primary sources are scientific studies, surveys, expert interviews or original investigations. Secondary sources include subject literature, reliable press reports and articles from recognized organizations.

We make sure that the latest findings are included in our articles. At the same time, it is important not to disregard older studies, but to adequately consider long-standing expertise as well.

We carefully examine the origin and credibility of our sources. We preferentially quote recognized institutions, renowned experts and scientific studies published in peer-reviewed academic journals.

To ensure full transparency, we consistently provide our sources. This allows every reader to independently trace back the origin of our information. We are convinced that this practice strengthens confidence in our reporting.

If you still have any questions or doubts about the origin of specific facts, please feel free to contact us.

Quality Assurance

To ensure content quality on our website, all our articles go through several control and verification mechanisms.

Already in the conception phase, we rely on the expertise of experienced editors and subject-matter experts. Together we develop an outline and select sources and references for each article.

After research and writing, the article undergoes thorough scrutiny by the editorial team. We pay particular attention to the following aspects:

  • Factual accuracy of all statements
  • Complete, comprehensible derivation of information
  • Appropriate weighting and classification of facts
  • Understandable and target-group-specific presentation
  • Error-free spelling and grammar

Only after approval by the editorial team, the article goes online. We also remain vigilant after publication: In case of new findings or user feedback, we update existing texts or supplement them with additional information.

Regular checks ensure that all content on our website is up to date with the latest developments in technology and research. This is how we provide our readers with reliable, high-quality information at all times.

Timeliness and Corrections

As an information portal, it is our standard to always be up to date. Therefore, our editors continuously monitor and analyze the latest developments in their subject areas.

In case of new scientific findings or social developments, they review existing articles and expand or update them accordingly. We transparently indicate significant updates by marking them with the date of amendment.

Our users also make an important contribution to keeping our content current by alerting us to outdated information or errors. We take all user feedback seriously.

Should any errors have occurred, we correct them promptly. Thereby we aim for a transparent approach in dealing with false or misleading content. Obvious errors are fixed directly in the existing article, stating the error and correction made. In case of doubt, we consult external subject-matter experts.

We do not see error correction as a flaw, but as an opportunity to improve our content and strengthen the trust of our users. By proactively handling updates and corrections, we ensure that you can continue to rely on our information as a reliable source of knowledge in the future.

Independence and Conflicts of Interest

As an editorial team, we place great value on our content-related independence. Therefore, we separate editorial from sales.

The financing of our portal is generated through advertising revenues which do not influence our editorial content. Our authors research their topics freely and without outside influence.

When reporting on products or services, we are guided by quality, not partnerships or commissions. Labelled ads displayed on our site fall under the sole responsibility of the advertising companies.

If there are potential conflicts of interest in individual cases, we disclose them. For example, we point out in an article about a study if an author was involved in the study themselves. Or we make it clear if a company is an advertising partner.


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